Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Effectiveness of Good and Bad Music On Humans

Managing and controlling emotions is very important in life. Well managed emotions
will contribute to prosperity community . Various approaches and approaches are
highlighted to explaininterest in managing emotionally healthier. One of the approaches
that can contribute towards better emotional management is with the approach of music.

One of the approaches that can contribute towards better
emotional management in the universal sense is by approaching
music or if you is a Muslim, approach The best is through
listening to the al-Quran or mention the strain " Zikir ".

Research found that the sound of vibrant sound vibration such as Music is one
of the activities that involve the use of the whole brain. The explanation of the facts
indicates that music has characteristics that can help an individual to experience
the positive feelings of his use.

The rhythm has a therapeutic element and can trigger the diversity
of feelings the individual who hears depends on the type of music itself.
The rhythm evokes different emotions. Generally knowing that different
music tones give different emotional reactions.

The Effects Of Music On Humans
In treating and controlling the feeling of stress, the sound vibration that
produces music can contribute to the reduction of muscle tension and allow
the individual to relieve the stresses felt. Music also helps individuals to be
in the emotional zone and positive physiological response of the body, especially
in increasing the hormones like endorphin seprti mentioned above, and lower
hormones such as cortisol, the hormone produced by the body as a result
of the stress experienced.Different music is known to give different
emotional and physiological reactions.

It is no exaggeration to say that humans and music are difficult to separate.
Music in life can impact the pros and cons. Continuous exposure to moderate
noise due to loud music can cause hearing loss.Losing one of these key senses
is beyond consciousness over a period of time. This is because, sensory sensitivity
of the hearing decreases for a while after being exposed to noisy sounds.

Therefore, every thing that has been in determining the favor by God
there must be wisdom. God forbid so that humanity is excessive and beyond
the limits of certain limits


  1. Skrg byk zikir yang sedap di dengar. Memang salah satu terapi utk hati dan minda.

    1. terima kaseh memberikan komen di bloq apeyop
      betul tu puan Ana
