Asalamualaikum and hi all readers Ape Yop , peace be upon of you all the time and Yop pray for
all my readers is good health always . It's been a while since I did not write on this Ape Yop blog space .
all my readers is good health always . It's been a while since I did not write on this Ape Yop blog space .
Time constraints in daily activities and responsibilities important , causing less time to write on this blog.
Its not late that Yop like to make a wish to all Muslim readers , Happy Aildil Fitri Wal Fa Izin .
A day of victory versus against bad desires lust on heart , after a month of fasting
re-educate heart in conquer the lust to the direction of good behavior continuous.
Insya Allah .
re-educate heart in conquer the lust to the direction of good behavior continuous.
Insya Allah .
In celebrating the day of victory overcome lust , citizens of Malaysian has been shocked by issues mother throw away the baby to down bridge . Subhanallah. The Problem with couple making not good behavior ( sex before marriage ) and throw the baby is not a new issue, event this problem has long taken place , without us noticing and these problems come wherever us know or not on it .Ohh Human , let you know that Allah swt says in Al Quran by chapter 6 on Al - An'aam in sentence 140 says :
" Lost are those who slay their children, from folly, without knowledge, and forbid food which Allah hath provided for them, inventing (lies) against Allah. They have indeed gone astray and heeded no guidance. "
in translate malay :
" Sesungguhnya rugilah orang-orang yang membunuh anak-anak mereka kerana kebodohan, lagi tidak berpengetahuan (sedang Allah yang memberi rezeki kepada sekalian makhluknya), dan juga (rugilah orang-orang yang) mengharamkan apa yang telah dikurniakan oleh Allah kepada mereka , dengan berdusta terhadap Allah. Sesungguhnya sesatlah mereka , dan tiadalah mereka mendapat petunjuk."
Surah Al - An'aam : ayat 140
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